Power: clean, dispatchable, and reliable.
Power: clean, dispatchable, and reliable.

Q&A on Gas Turbines for Oilfield Electrification

The experts at FlexEnergy Solutions sat down for a roundtable discussion on the hot topic of oilfield electrification and the strategies oil and gas operators are using to power their operations and reduce emissions.

The panel includes Doug Baltzer, CEO, John Alday, Vice President of Engineering, and Mark Lindley, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, all with FlexEnergy Solutions.

Some of the questions include:

  • What are some of the alternatives to utility power, or what we commonly call “the grid?”

  • How has government regulation impacted electrification choices? 

  • Has the enforcement posture of regulators changed? 

  • Do you see differences in electrification strategies among operators?

  • How did Winter Storm Uri impact the decision-making process?

The FlexEnergy Advantage

FlexEnergy Solutions provides the cleanest, most reliable, and readily dispatchable power option in the oilfield today. Here is what makes us different:

  • Clean. Because Flex Turbines produce lower emissions compared to traditional reciprocating engines, and even most utility power grids, they contribute to environmental sustainability and can help you avoid operating permit emissions thresholds.
  • Dispatchable. Flex Turbines provide a portable dispatchable power option that can be quickly scaled up on demand to meet your changing power needs.
  • Reliable. In addition to a 99.5%+ uptime track record, FlexEnergy Solutions is known for our rapid service response times, minimizing downtime and ensuring maximum uptime.
  • Responsive. Importantly, FlexEnergy is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of Flex Turbines. We train our technicians; our people perform the service (not outsourced agents), and we have service facilities located in every major Oil and Gas producing basin.

Contact FlexEnergy Solutions to learn more about our clean, dispatchable, and reliable field power solutions at info@flexenergy.com or +1 (720) 573-7664.